Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome…

Before I post any recipes, I must introduce all of my baking tools and tricks to you. I also have rules and regulations that I mostly follow.



First things first, I must introduce you to my recipes box. It has nine areas of interest. They are as follows: Cookies, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Snacks, Breads, Beverages, Other Recipes, and References. I have to admit that certain sections are filled with more recipes than other sections. For example, Cookies and Snacks are the most filled while Candies and Pies are the least filled. My favorite recipe cards are bent and have butter and things covering it.

Secondly, I should tell you a few things about my baking tools. They are important, very important, to me, but I don’t really use anything special. I use regular spoons and spatulas, I use presents that are bought from who-knows-where, and I don’t really care if my tools are a special brand or anything like that. So, there you go, you now know a little about the tools I use.


You can call me weird or not, but I do not have a Kitchen Aid. Nope. I have never had anything like that in my kitchen. The closest thing to that that I have used in the kitchen is a Vita Mix. So, I  bake the hard way. I use a spoon and a bowl. Well, I also occasionally use a regular mixer but only for certain recipes. But, practically every recipe that I will post does not need a Kitchen Aid. But, if you use one, keep on at it. I don’t really care if you use one or not. I don’t.

Do I use any special brands for my ingredients? No, not really. I am a ‘whatever is on sale’ kind of gal.

Also, a lot of the recipes will be healthy recipes. Maple syrup may be used instead of sugar. Unsweetened coconut may be used instead of sweetened stuff. That kind of thing.

As for rules? I don’t really have many rules. Well, I do have one very important rule. If you want to steal some cookie dough, don’t ask me before your do it. That is a literal rule that I made up. When I made cookies, my siblings always wanted the cookie dough. But for some reason, they asked me before they took some. Seriously! That is when I started that rule. Just take it!IMG_9229

So, now that you know a little bit about my kitchen–even though it isn’t really my kitchen–let’s get started!

Oh, yeah, one last thing. If you are going to bake with me, beware. I am a very messy person. So, make sure you take my saying, “Let’s put our aprons on and start baking,” seriously.


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